GPS problems not solved - Locking on road









Turf Version


Steps to reproduce

Go into zone LillaLondon with speed (for example on bike) and specially from south direction. The GPS will continue following the road beside the zone.


If you then go through the zone and continue going a bit then the GPS suddenly will jump to the other side of the road. If you then go back to the other side of the zone, it once jumps to the other side of the road. This issue is fixed by killing the turf application and starting it again when standing in the zone. After restarting the application the GPS will be in the zone and the application will start to take the zone when the user moves a little. This issue also existed in 1.1.0 and was reported here:

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Related issues

related to #921, has duplicate #1113, has duplicate #1955, has duplicate #2014, related to #1434



Date: 2014-03-05T13:47:11+01:00

Thanks for reporting this. Very unfortunate! Can other players confirm?


Date: 2014-03-06T15:36:53+01:00

☒ I'm also affected by this issue.

☒ I think this is an important issue.

Version: iOS 1.1.1

Device: – iPhone 5S – 7.0.6

Har samma problem men kan inte säga att det händer speciellt från söder.


Date: 2014-04-17T11:00:56+02:00

☒ I'm also affected by this issue.

Version: iOS 1.1.1

Device: – iPhone 4S - iOS´7.1 –

Händer lite nu o då.

Date: 2014-05-03T23:38:04+02:00

Version: iOS 1.1.1

Device: – iPhone 5S – iOS 7.1.1

Händer för mig också då och då. Hoppar fram och tillbaka in och ut i zonen eller så är man fast på en väg bredvid så man inte kan ta zonen utan måste cykla fram och tillbaka för att kunna ta den överhuvudtaget.


Date: 2014-05-09T23:00:57+02:00

☒ I'm also affected by this issue.

☒ I think this is an important issue.

Version: iOS 1.1.1

Device: – Iphone 5 – ios 7.1.1

Symptomen är desamma som i 1.1.0 och versionen före det. Om jag åker österut och svänger in för att ta FolkeFilbyter så blir gubben på kartan kvar på vägen. Samma sak vid Sidefield. Efter omstart hamnar den rätt. Det händer mer sällan om jag saktar in i god tid före zonen.


Date: 2014-05-13T21:06:06+02:00

☒ I'm also affected by this issue.

☒ I think this is an important issue.

Version: iOS 1.1.1

Device: – iPhone 5 – IOS 7.1.1

Händer mig då och då, men löses med att "slå av/på" GPS:en, behöver inte starta om Appen. Händer oftare om man cyklar snabbt, cyklar man sakta fungerar det bättre. Har sällan hänt vid gå-Turf.


Date: 2014-05-22T04:57:58+02:00

☒ I'm also affected by this issue.

Version: iOS 1.1.1

Device: – Iphone 5 – ios 7.1.1


Date: 2014-05-24T08:58:02+02:00

☒ I'm also affected by this issue.

☒ I think this is an important issue.

Version: iOS 1.1.1

Device: – iPhone 5s – 7.1.1


Date: 2014-06-21T23:24:22+02:00

Version: 1.1.2

Device: – iPhone 5S – iOS 7.1.1

The issue still continues in the new version 1.1.2 on iOS. It even feels that the locking on roads in v1.1.2 is worse/more common than it was on v1.1.1.


Date: 2014-07-09T19:23:19+02:00

Version: 1.2.0

Device: – Iphone 5 – ios 7.1.1

Problemet är kvar i 1.2.0 också. I dag åkte jag västerut mot KärnaRoad, där cykelvägen genar medan bilarna får åka ut i en vinkel. Nå, jag cyklade rakt fram men den lille gröne åkte snett ut åt höger. Halvvägs till korsningen insåg den missen och gjorde ett skutt tillbaka till rätt väg. I god tid före zonen men ändå... Efter vad jag förstår så har ios bara två lägen, bil eller joggare. Vi som cyklar verkar hamna i en gråzon. 8-(


Date: 2014-08-04T16:42:35+02:00

Version: 1.3.0

Device: – iPhone 5S – iOS 7.1.1

Felet är kvar fortfarande i nya 1.3.0.


Date: 2015-03-25T08:45:37+01:00

Version: 1.3.6

Device: – iPhone 5 – iOS 8.2

Googling this issue it seems that this is an iOS 'feature', see e.g. The question is if there is any way for the Turf game to turn off this snap to road feature. In this post, there are some hints, If they work I don't know, but this behaviour is very frustrating. When you go fast to a zone you cannot take it quickly if it is not on the road.


Date: 2015-03-25T08:45:56+01:00

Version: 1.3.6

Device: – iPhone 5 – iOS 8.2

Googling this issue it seems that this is an iOS 'feature', see e.g. The question is if there is any way for the Turf game to turn off this snap to road feature. In this post, there are some hints, If they work I don't know, but this behaviour is very frustrating. When you go fast to a zone you cannot take it quickly if it is not on the road.


Date: 2015-03-25T08:46:13+01:00

☒ I'm also affected by this issue.

☒ I think this is an important issue.

Version: 1.3.6

Device: – iPhone 5 – iOS 8.2

Googling this issue it seems that this is an iOS 'feature', see e.g. The question is if there is any way for the Turf game to turn off this snap to road feature. In this post, there are some hints, If they work I don't know, but this behaviour is very frustrating. When you go fast to a zone you cannot take it quickly if it is not on the road.


Date: 2015-03-25T08:46:38+01:00

☒ I'm also affected by this issue.

☒ I think this is an important issue.

Version: 1.3.6

Device: – iPhone 5 – iOS 8.2

Googling this issue it seems that this is an iOS 'feature', see e.g. The question is if there is any way for the Turf game to turn off this snap to road feature. In this post, there are some hints, If they work I don't know, but this behaviour is very frustrating. When you go fast to a zone you cannot take it quickly if it is not on the road.


Date: 2015-03-25T09:24:24+01:00

Version: 1.3.6

Device: – iPhone 5 – iOS 8.2

Sorry for the multiple posts. I got an error message when posting saying I should try again, which I did...


Date: 2015-04-07T14:53:14+02:00

☒ I'm also affected by this issue.

☒ I think this is an important issue.

Version: 1.3.7

Device: – iPhone 5S – 8.1.3

Felet uppkommer lite då och då. Man får gå långt ifrån gatan innan det "lossnar".


Date: 2015-04-18T22:53:54+02:00

☒ I'm also affected by this issue.

☒ I think this is an important issue.

Version: 1.3.7

Device: – iPhone 5c – iOS 8.2

Nu är tyvärr buggen tillbaka. Man fastnar på vägarna väldigt ofta, så man blir tvungen att stänga av och sedan sätta på gps, -5 sek


Date: 2015-04-23T20:33:19+02:00

☒ I'm also affected by this issue.

☒ I think this is an important issue.

Version: 1.3.7 - please upgrade!

Device: – iPhone 5 – iOS 8.3


Date: 2015-04-24T19:46:13+02:00

☒ I'm also affected by this issue.

☒ I think this is an important issue.

Version: 1.3.7 - please upgrade!

Device: – iPhone 6 – iOS 8.3

I have Turf version 1.3.8, but it's not on the list...


Date: 2015-04-29T15:16:18+02:00

☒ I'm also affected by this issue.

☒ I think this is an important issue.

Version: 1.3.8

Device: – iPhone5s – IOS 8.3

I think this is the most annoying bug....


Date: 2015-05-03T03:57:48+02:00

☒ I'm also affected by this issue.

☒ I think this is an important issue.

Version: 1.3.8

Device: – IPhone 6, 64gb – IOS 8.3

This happens to some zones for me in Västervik. Also after restarting the app while standing in the zone, it doesn't start taking the zone. I have to move out first and then in again


Date: 2015-05-03T03:58:01+02:00

☒ I'm also affected by this issue.

☒ I think this is an important issue.

Version: 1.3.8

Device: – IPhone 6, 64gb – IOS 8.3

This happens to some zones for me in Västervik. Also after restarting the app while standing in the zone, it doesn't start taking the zone. I have to move out first and then in again


Date: 2015-05-03T03:58:22+02:00

☒ I'm also affected by this issue.

☒ I think this is an important issue.

Version: 1.3.8

Device: – IPhone 6, 64gb – IOS 8.3

This happens to some zones for me in Västervik. Also after restarting the app while standing in the zone, it doesn't start taking the zone. I have to move out first and then in again


Date: 2015-05-03T03:58:35+02:00

☒ I'm also affected by this issue.

☒ I think this is an important issue.

Version: 1.3.8

Device: – IPhone 6, 64gb – IOS 8.3

This happens to some zones for me in Vastervik. Also after restarting the app while standing in the zone, it doesn't start taking the zone. I have to move out first and then in again


Date: 2015-05-03T03:58:51+02:00

☒ I'm also affected by this issue.

☒ I think this is an important issue.

Version: 1.3.8

Device: – IPhone 6, 64gb – IOS 8.3

This happens to some zones for me in Västervik. Also after restarting the app while standing in the zone, it doesn't start taking the zone. I have to move out first and then in again


Date: 2015-05-03T03:59:51+02:00

☒ I'm also affected by this issue.

☒ I think this is an important issue.

Version: 1.3.8

Device: – IPhone 6, 64gb – IOS 8.3

This happens to some zones for me in Västervik. Also after restarting the app while standing in the zone, it doesn't start taking the zone. I have to move out first and then in again


Date: 2015-05-20T16:08:18+02:00

☒ I'm also affected by this issue.

☒ I think this is an important issue.

Version: 1.3.8

Device: – iPhone 5S – IOS 8.3

Hittade följande på nätet som presenterar en eventuell lösning på problemet: Lösning: "set CLActivityType on iOS 6 to CLActivityTypeFitness"


Date: 2017-10-08T09:27:38+02:00

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