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Date: 2017-05-08T22:06:31+02:00
☒ I'm also affected by this issue.
Version: Other version (please tell us!)
App v 1.2.2
Date: 2017-05-19T14:12:15+02:00
I dont understand the issue here. Please explain the steps you do to reproduce this issue, and what you expect should happen if it worked as you expect.
Date: 2017-06-06T19:49:04+02:00
☒ I'm also affected by this issue.
Version: 1.2.4 - public release
Inactivate location in os. Start app. If location "on" in app the turficon isn't crossed. In the app the cross can be toggled off on regardless of location active/inactive in os. In earlier versions the turficon always was crossed when location was off in os. And when you tried to activate location in the app a dialogue was opened asking if you wanted to turn location on in os to continue otherwise the red cross was kept.
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