Revisit-time problem









Turf Version

0.9.6 public release

Steps to reproduce

The revisit time is 24h instead of 23h.


The countdown starts from 23 - but sometime (at midnight?) the countdown goes wrong. Another revisit problem: I was standing in the zone, waiting for the 24h to pass. When it did it was not possible to make the revisit. I tried to leave the zone and come back - still not possible.

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Related issues

duplicate of #231, related to #984, has duplicate #455



Date: 2013-10-01T12:03:29+02:00

☒ I'm also affected by this issue.

Version: 0.9.6 public release

Device: Sony Ericsson – XPeria Neo – 4.0.4.

2013-09-30, around 08:35: OMW to work, took CapeHolmRoad 2013-10-01, around 08:35: OMW to work, tapped the zone 20m before entering, noticed the revisit-countdown still had a couple of seconds left (which indicated that the actual timer somehow is 24h instead of 23h) I entered the zone before the timer was 0 and was unable to revisit the zone (green bar did not fill, it was just shown). I left the zone and entered again, same result (green bar appeared but no takeover-fill) Restarted Turf, was the able to do my revisit. Tomorrow (2013-10-02) I will try to take the zone around 08:30, to see: 1. the status of the revisit counter (if the zone is revisitable as it should, or if it´s 5min left) 2. if counter is still active, see if I can revisit the zone if entering before the timer has expired without restarting Turf


Date: 2014-10-26T12:00:44+01:00

Should be corrected now! :-)

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